

Manesh Maharaj is a graduate of the renowned Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Mumbai –India) where he underwent seven and a half years of rigorous training in Hindustani Shastriya Sangeet (North Indian classical music). Groomed by renowned Gurus, he obtained his ‘Sangeet Visharad’ (B.MUS) in 1996 graduating in Hindustani vocal music and Sitar and continued with post graduate studies for two and a half years. Manesh is also the senior disciple of the legendary Kathak Guru the Late Sushri Madhurita Sarang (Mumbai) with whom he trained in Kathak under the Guru-shishya parampara tradition. He is a consummate artist who has performed extensively in India as well as All India Radio and has imbibed a rich repertoire which forms the foundation of his artistic endeavours.


Shri gurubhyo namah

I pay humble respects to my first Gurus, my parents Smt. Somwathi Maharaj and Pandit Thegram Maharaj for introducing me to the world of Sangeet at the age of 7. I feel extremely fortunate to have been under the tutelage of Gurus in South Africa who laid the foundation and inspired me to pursue my music studies and my Gurus in India who took a personal interest in my progress as a foreign student. They have all blessed me with a great legacy and so much more which defines the person I am today.

  • Bharatiya Vidya BhavanBharatiya Vidya Bhavan
  • Madhurita SarangMadhurita Sarang
  • Murli Manohar ShuklaMurli Manohar Shukla
  • Parents - Pt. and Mrs T. MaharajParents - Pt. and Mrs T. Maharaj
  • Shampa PakrashiShampa Pakrashi
  • Shashikala KaikiniShashikala Kaikini
  • Stuti DeyStuti Dey
  • Sudhindra BhaumikSudhindra Bhaumik
  • Udayraj KarpurUdayraj Karpur
  • Ustad Rafat KhanUstad Rafat Khan

South Africa

Vocal, harmonium & tabla

Master Hari Singh
Shri Hariram Bansi
Smt. Geeta Maharaj


Shri Jayraj Santhokee (Mauritius)


I feel honoured to add to this list, Durban based contemporary dance choreographer and Artistic Director of the Flatfoot Dance Company, Ms. LLIANE LOOTS who has introduced me to a refreshing new chapter in dance opening my body, mind and spirit to new spaces and possibilities.



Pt. Sudhindra Bhaumik (BVB)
Smt Shashikala Kaikini (BVB)
Pt. Murli Manohar Shukla (Pvt)
Smt. Shampa Pakrashi (Pvt)


Smt. Stuti Dey (BVB)
Ustad Rafat Khan (BVB)


Shri Udayraj Karpur (BVB)


Sushri Madhurita Sarang (PVT)